Thursday 1 August 2013

One size does not fit all!

The primary requisite of any email marketing is list segmentation. Unfortunately, this requirement is overlooked many-a-time with the end result that the email either remains unopened or the click-through rate is very low. Generic content can mean doom to your company.
The content in your email should be relevant to your audience. And that cannot happen without a well-researched and credible segmented list. The same content cannot be sent to everybody on your email list!

Before sending an email one should think ‘who is this for and what will he/she like?’ And based on this information the content has to be focused. Generic content is a definite no-no.
Your email newsletter should only go out to those recipients who are interested in the subject matter of the newsletter. You cannot send email newsletters about your new range of maternity wear to all the customers who have shopped at your online store.  Many in your email list would not be interested in this range; however a section of your customers might be more inclined towards sportswear. So, if you know exactly what content to present to whom, you can hit the nail on its head with your highly relevant message.

Identify groups of similar customers and potential customers, prioritize the groups, target based on behavior patterns, and respond with appropriate marketing strategies that satisfy the different preferences of each chosen segment. Take advantage of segmented lists and enjoy higher click-through rates, better deliverability, and generate more ROI.

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