Monday 22 July 2013

Data is Big!

Customer DataData was always big for marketers, and remains the key to all marketing efforts. However, in the past few decades, data has undergone a major upheaval. Digitization has added to the volume, variety, veracity, velocity and complexity of data. It has attained humongous proportions and has become Big Data in the true sense. Born in the digital world, Big Data is thriving and growing.

Twenty years ago, customer data was collected through point of sale transaction data, responses to direct mail campaigns, coupon redemption, etc.  Today, it’s altogether a different ball game. Customer data collection has new avenues like online purchase data, click-through rates, browsing behavior, social media interactions, mobile device usage, geo-location data, etc. And this is just the beginning!

Whether big, small, simple or complex, data is the backbone of marketing. There is no denying that understanding customers is the key to any successful business. Without a sound knowledge of your customers all your marketing strategies are like shooting blind.

The importance of data need not be harped upon as all are already aware of the indispensable role it plays in most fields, especially so, marketing. And, there is more data than ever before now. However, data works for you, only if you have the right one and also know how to handle it the right way!

Here we begin our tryst to understand data -- the powerful marketing tool!

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