Friday 26 July 2013

Data: Get it RIGHT!

Reaching the right people at the right time with the right offer through the right channels is the RIGHT way to better, stronger and more effective marketing.

Who are the right people?
Every person you communicate to will not respond. You have to find the people who are more likely to respond to your message.  You can use data to sieve out people with similar traits like income, age, gender, location, occupation, hobbies, purchases, etc. Then, based on the collected data, you can use that information to target people with similar characteristics. This will definitely improve response rate, increase efficiency and boost your marketing return on investment.

What is the right time?
You can determine the behavioral pattern of people by monitoring their interaction with your organization. With the help of this data, you can reach customers more effectively and efficiently. You can save time, effort and cost by reaching out to customers when they are more likely to respond.

What will be the right offer?
Based on what people purchase or do, and their preferences, you can offer them what they like or want. Offers can be customized for the individual. For instance, if you know an individual has bought adventure books recently, you can recommend other-adventure-related products to that person.

Which are the right channels?
Through data, you can come to know the preferred communication channel of an individual. It is vital to have this information as there are many communication channels available. Approaching each through the right channel would elicit positive response. For example, a person may prefer to get deals and offers through social media.

The possibilities with right data are endless! View our data solutions

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