Thursday 31 October 2013

Take the Clean Data path to Success

Your email deliverability success depends on your database cleanliness.  It is vital that you have the correct email addresses of the recipients you are trying to reach. If your database is ‘dirty’, it will inevitably mean failure. It is indispensable that you regularly clean and maintain your list to remove invalid addresses and improve your deliverability rates.

Elements of a dirty email list include:
  • Incorrectly formatted email addresses
  • Addresses that have previously “hard bounced”
  • Addresses that have previously unsubscribed but are still active in the list
  • Addresses from expired, invalid domains
You may be surprised to know that 75% of commercial businesses believe that they are losing as much as 73% of revenue due to poor data quality (Experian QAS) and Poor data quality costs US businesses more than $600 billion annually (Data Warehousing Institute).

List management is an ongoing procedure as people do not stay put. They move jobs, change their phone numbers and create new email addresses.  It is highly recommended that you keep your database updated with the latest information. These are few tips that will help you do just that:

Maintain consistent format. You should have consistent terms and formats across a given field. E.g. the date field: Ensure you maintain DD-MM-YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY throughout the database.
Do proper segmentation. Break down strings of data into multiple fields so you can more effectively standardize data elements with greater accuracy.
Verify content. Fields may appear populated but are not accurate (for example, a phone number may contain letters). Your data-cleansing process should identify and correct these anomalies so your data is fit for use.
Eliminate duplicates. Identify matches and eliminate duplicate records. These records cause unnecessary strain on your resources.
Do away with hard bounces. In the case of emails, even a few hard bounces will get your IP address blacklisted. Take extra precaution in this regard.

Email deliverability success relies completely upon clean lists. Prepackaged Marketing Data makes sure the lists are fresh, updated and always accurate. Contact us today.

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