Monday 14 October 2013

Is your message relevant and readable?

You need to take some time to think and know the aim of your email campaign clearly before you begin to write. 

  • What topics would interest my audience?
  • What subject line would compel the readers to open and read your mail?
These are some of the pertinent factors to consider while framing your email. Instead of writing salesy subject lines, keep it relevant to the reader. Only include helpful information that serves the interests of your subscribers, not you! Before you begin to write, it helps to create a brief outline of the topics, with some ideas and notes to keep you on track. Include tags to tell you where to place buttons, images, etc, to help rough out your design.
Mark where to place call-to-action buttons such as “Sign up now”, “Download new version” or “New product information”. Use enough to be convenient, without being annoying. Strategically placed “action” buttons can make a big “dollar difference” in your campaign ROI!

Now, readability! Try to achieve a balance of color, images and text so nothing overwhelms the message as a whole. Half text and half images is a good ratio, but always use your best judgement and customize for every audience and type of message.

We know how challenging it can be to come up with fresh topics and ideas for every email. But there are things along the way to give you a solid head start. For example, you can create a list of potential topics that cross your path every day. If there’s any content attached, just cut and paste it and include the source or URL so you can verify the content. It doesn’t have to be original every time, just valuable to the reader.

Prepackaged Marketing Data specializes in database marketing. Along with making your emails relevant and readable it is vital to start off with the right database. Without the relevant database all your marketing efforts will go down the drain.To know more about our services, contact us.

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